sound spray

  • The Aura Harmonizes your Spiritual Connection

    Aura is life.  It is the energy that animates your physical body.  The auric field exists in 7 different layers sometimes referred to as harmonics because of the color fields they emit.  Each layer of the auric field is a body just as real and alive as the physical body.  Each of the 7 layers is a mini world with its own sense of purpose.

    The magic of the auric field is in how these mini worlds intertwine and dance with one another.

    These layers interconnect with one another determining your experience with your physical reality.

    Scroll down to see the descriptions of how each of the Aura Harmonizer Mists can work with your own energy field.

  • What Are Sound Essences? Sound Essences are subtle energy remedies created from the healing vibration of sound.  Each Sound Essence holds vibrational information that supports the vitality of the human energy system.  These information therapies all resonate at various frequencies and interface with any field that is lacking vibration.  Vibrational information is as vital to our energy system as air and water are to our physical system. This Secrets of the Universe Vibrational Medicine remedy assists to clear you of your old ways of doing things and supports you in creating a sustainable way of being with a sense of knowing who you are and why you are here, and connecting with others in a flourishing, beneficially healthy relationship.
  • What is the Aura?

        Aura is life.  It is the energy that operates our physical body.  The auric field exists in different layers sometimes referred to as harmonics because of the color fields they emit.  Each layer of the auric field is a body just as real and alive as the physical body.  Each layer is a mini world with its own sense of purpose.  The magic of the auric field is in how these mini worlds intertwine and dance with one another.  These layers interconnect with one another determining our experience with our physical reality.

    The physical body is surrounded by an ovoid emanation made up of seven layers of the auric field. The seven bands of the auric field can be divided into two planes: the physical and the spiritual.  The physical plane of the auric field is composed of the Physical, Etheric, Emotional and Mental level supported by Aura Haromonizer Sound Essences Aura Joy, Spiral Energy and Secrets of the Universe.  The astral plane is the bridge between the spiritual and the physical levels of the auric field and supported by Love in a Mist.  The spiritual levels are the Etheric Template, Celestial level, and Ketheric supported by Infinity, Flower of Life and Stargate. 


    What are Aura Harmonizer Sound Essences?

    Creation or manifestation takes place when a concept or a belief is transmitted from its source in the higher levels and then transduced down into the more dense levels of the auric field creating our own reality. Aura Harmonizer Sound Essences are subtle energy remedies created from the healing vibration of notes and chords from various instruments.  These essences are jointly charged with the information imprint of chosen crystals and gemstones, flower essences, sacred geometry, ancient symbology and other various healing vibrations from nature. Love in a Mist Aura Harmonizer simultaneously balances all the meridians and the chakras as it is centered with the Note F of the heart chakra.  This tone generates the awareness that the most powerful energy you have is Love.  When you are in your heart, you love who you are and live in the present.  Enjoy the symphony of Vibration in a Bottle as you spray above you or walk through the mist.  
  • Stargate Aura Harmonizer Mist

    The energy of love fills my life.  Stargate Aura Harmonizer is created in honor of the number six, the optimally functional hexagon, which represent harmony, balance, synthesis and unconditional love.  The hexagon is the symbol for the heart chakra, the meeting of the three higher (spiritual) chakras with the three lower (physical) chakras in the heart center (emotional) substantiating our three dimensional existence.  These interlacing triangles of the hexagon symbolize the opposing forces in nature: the centrifugal and centripetal and when combined these opposing forces create the Tube Torus believed to be responsible for the creation of the universe.  Hidden in the hexagonal containment and is used as a vehicle for inter-dimensional travel. The Merkaba is in the center of every cell, the Akashic Records from which all life springs.  Stargate is designed to remind the cells of their original healthy blueprint and to free themselves of any mutant programming which was once responsible for sickness and disease.  This Stargate Aura Harmonizer is infused with the not G# for awakening your spiritual consciousness and supporting you on your life's journey. If offers you the trust to take a chance to go after your heart's desire.  It will take you away!!
  • How to Use Sound Essence

    Taking small doses regularly throughout the day is the most effective use of Sound Essences.  Recommended dosage for essences is four times a day, keeping  the vibration constantly available for absorption in the energy field.  It is important to shake the essence bottles to energize them before use.  This activates the life force of the essence and attunes the vibration of the essence to the user. Aura Joy Harmonizer is infused with 12 notes, 12 colors, 17 gemstones, 5 platonic shapes, 7 ancient chakra symbols and an aromatherapy blend that is likened to the angels singing.  It invokes a sense of calm, peace and resoluteness. Misting Aura Joy harmonizes the auric field of the body as well as energy in a room or building.
  • What to Expect Using Sound Essences

    Generally, something is noticed or felt within two to six weeks.  Some people will notice the effects almost immediately.  All essences work subtly.  The essences work to transform life on a deep level and because they are so subtle sometimes this transformation may not be directly noticed.  Others may be the first to call attention to these changes in attitudes or behaviors.  Some people may begin to find their old behaviors and attitudes uncomfortable, and adopt new ones without resistance.  This increased consciousness then becomes the tool for change.  Essences are not "a quick fix." They are strengtheners of the soul forces that enable growth and wisdom from life's challenges.  They invoke a healing journey, and are the allies and guides along the way.  The essences are not intended to painlessly wipe away problems or provide instant fixes.  They are support for shifting frequencies. Spiral Energy Aura Harmonizer Mist works with the geometric patterns of nature to facilitate peace, ease and emits an energy of love and wholesomeness.  The chord DFA# releases old thoughts and patterns and embraces new perceptions towards expansion of awareness for spiritual growth.  The symbol of Cho Ku Rei powerfully yet gently raises the vibratory state of the energy field, offering comfort and ease as you spray above you or walk through the mist.


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