Larimar, Amethyst, Moldavite Pendant

Larimar, Amethyst, Moldavite Pendant


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Larimar, Amethyst, Moldavite Pendant

I so enjoy by own larimar, amethyst, moldavite pendant.

One of my favorite energies is the combination of Amethyst and Moldavite…..and then, adding Larimar is such a bonus. My emotional system feels peace and clarity as I am able to deeper into knowing I AM.  Enjoy this one! Read more below on the properties of each stone.

1″ x 2.5″ Sterling Silver Pendant

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Larimar, Amethyst, Moldavite Pendant


Larimar is said to enlighten and heal in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way. It stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation. It represents peace and clarity, radiating healing and love energy. It is recommended for people who are stressed and it is said to be a healing stone.

Because Larimar is recommended for stress, in The Book of Stones(Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007) by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian, it is said Larimar can be helpful for for phobias, panic attacks, stress-related imbalances, and excessive anger or fear.

They also say it aids in breaking down the walls one has built around the heart for defense, and allows for emotional release and the clearing of deep emotional patterns. It helps one to reconnect to a previous, more natural state of playfulness and joyful childlike energy.

Larimar is said to help us to view events from a different perspective; it softens, enlightens and heals in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way, stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation.  It represents peace and clarity radiating healing and love energy. It is recommended for people who are stressed.  It is said to be a healing stone.

In The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons writes “Larimar is a stone of tremendous benefit to the throat chakra, providing the power of clear communication and the emotional strength and stability that enable one to speak from the heart. . . .

“It supports a state of confident well-being and awareness of one’s capacities.”

“Relaxation is one of the benefits of Larimar.  It soothes the emotional body, releasing undesirable attachments and relieving stress.  Wearing the stone, one feels surrounded in an oasis of calm, always aware of the fundamental ‘all-rightness’ of the world, regardless of transient circumstances.  Larimar can cool hot tempers and guide excess passion into peace.”

“In meditation, Larimar can help one see and release oneself from unhealthy inner bonds to other people, or to principles which do not serve one’s highest good.”

“Placing Larimar stones in one’s home or work environment will assure a pleasant and serene atmosphere.  Using the stone on the throat chakra in a pendant or in a laying-on-the-stones treatment, will help to unleash the voice of one’s deepest wisdom.”

Amethyst has many other benefits, including:

  • Assists in meditation and dream work
  • Enhances psychic abilities and intuition
  • Helps in breaking free from bad habits and limiting behaviors
  • Protects the physical environment from negative energies
  • Blocks geopathic stress
  • Brings peace and tranquility in the home
  • Calms the mind
  • Helps bring clarity in decision making
  • Reduces stress, anxiety, fear, and grief
  • Works with the third eye, crown, and upper chakras

Who can benefit from wearing amethyst?

Virtually everyone can benefit from wearing amethyst. We are in constant contact with other people and their energies, especially in the workplace, and the protective properties of amethyst do wonders in keeping you in harmony and free from picking up negative or unwanted energies from the environment.

Amethyst is a must-have for anyone working in healing professions. Those working with sick or mentally ill people will benefit as these people literally may “suck” energy from you unless you protect yourself. The high vibration of amethyst will protect your energy field.

Amethyst is great to have in the home; it brings harmony and protection from outside influences into the environment. One of the best ways to work with amethyst is having it touch the skin by wearing jewelry.

Thank you Shaman Sisters Designs for the information on Amethyst


Even those not usually sensitive to the energies of stones, often feel the energy of Moldavite because it’s undeniably powerful. Wearing, or simply holding, a piece of Moldavite can produce many interesting and instantaneous reactions and experiences including that of heat flashes and emanating heat in general, that can not only be felt by the wearer, but those around, energy jolts, and vibrations throughout the day. It’s not a power to play with though, as since it’s vibration is so high, one not used to such exposure can find themselves feeling quite drained, as your vibrational energy quickens to catch up to match it.

Moldavite is a definite and powerful Chakra opener and activator, particularly resonating with the Heart, 3rd Eye, and Crown Chakras. Although its energy tends to first move to wherever it is most needed in the physical and etheric bodies, it will settle and center in the heart. Moldavite is a great stone to work with on a personal and collective level in your healing work, practices, and meditations. Its transformative qualities, begins a process of energetic resonance throughout one’s entire being, thus raising the vibration.

There are many benefits of this stone, and exposure to it, including, activating the dream state when worn while sleeping, helping one to acclimate to the Earth plane environment if feeling not part of this world (especially in the case of Star Children), helps foster a deeper level of compassion and understanding for the human realities of the physical plane, aids in expansion of consciousness and rapid transformation in one’s life-aiding the release of those things that do not serve one’s highest path, visionary experiences, increased clarity, vibrational raising of both yourself and the Earth, energy cleansing, strengthens, aids in self discovery and enlightenment, cosmic and crystal consciousness, expansion, and even contact with interdimensional energies, and the list goes on… It is considered the only known gemstone of “extraterrestrial” origin (not of this Earth) and is associated with the Star card of the Tarot. But most importantly, it is a direct link to the Heart Chakra.

While wearing Moldavite one actively engages with the heart and it helps to return that beautiful pink glow to your aura that is associated with unconditional love. Definitely a stone that helps us to get in touch with that lovely pink (or green) resonance of the heart. Wow! What a little powerhouse of multiplicity. No wonder it can at first sometimes intimidate those not aware of its energy. It’s fully packed with releasing and relinquishing energy that one surely needs to be ready for. Although, by inviting one such lovely piece into your life, is already mirroring that on some level you’ve chosen to be ready.

It is definitely a celestial “stone of transformation.”

Yet, not all stones are for everyone. You will know if Moldavite is for you either in resonating with what you are reading here, or on instant contact with one. Isn’t it wonderful that like with all things, there’s a multitude of choices out there for everyone to find what truly resonates with them? But if you find yourself ready for one of these beauties, enjoy! You will find a lasting friend you’ll want to take along for the journey.

SOME HINTS: It might be helpful to mentally prepare, when deciding to wear your Moldavite and you can also help to ground yourself as well by pairing it with other stones such as black tourmaline, smoky quartz, hematite, tiger eye, or whatever stone resonates grounding effects for you. Moldavite harmonizes well with such stones as quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, tanzanite, larimar, sugililte, and dozens more. It tends to supercharge the energies of whatever stones you pair it with. Or you can go cold turkey, wearing it alone as you say, “Bring it on!” The stone can be purchased both in its natural beauty as a raw, amorphous stone, or as a cut and polished stone. Faceted Moldavites, some say, can have an intensified energy that is created by the cutting process. And if cut into geometric shapes it can also act as a type of laser. But again, it all depends on you and your intentions and the way the energy of the stone blends with your own. Whatever shape and type resonates with you, is the perfect choice always and will produce exactly the results you are looking for and needing. Like with anything, follow your intuition and heart.  Thank you Tania Marie for this information on Moldavite.


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