Rose Quartz Face Roller and Gua Sha

Rose Quartz Face Roller and Gua Sha


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Benefits Of Gua Sha

  • Face lifting and Fine lines preventions and reduction
  • Reduce puffiness, especially around the eyes
  • Relieve acne and other inflammation
  • Enhance anti-aging effects
  • Promote a natural botox effect
  • Help with hyperpigmentation
  • Relieve tension and reduce stress

Roller Benefits

You can use both tools to reduce stress with facial massage. The benefits include:

  • Activation of the circulation of the face;
  • Promotion of lymphatic drainage, reducing swelling;
  • Decreased muscle tension;
  • Skin toning;
  • Improvement in the elasticity of the dermis;
  • Increased absorption of cosmetics.

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Rose Quartz Face Roller and Gua Sha

The rollers are said to improve lymphatic drainage and improve overall circulation leaving the skin looking radiant and glowing. This style has two rollers — one that is a good size for the face and one specific for the more delicate eye area.

The Gua Sha can be used gently in a variety of ways which may take a little more training.

This set includes both.

Rose quartz is especially helpful at the locations of the heart and the crown chakras. The energy is soft and silky, producing a gentleness from with out and from within the user. It has been known as a “stone of gentle love”, bringing peacefulness and calm to relationships. It promotes receptivity to the beauty of art, music, and the written word, enlivening imagination, and representing a young, warm love.
It can be used for spiritual attunement to the energy of love.
It provides for balancing of yin-yang energy and can attune each chakra to, and provide each chakra with, the proper frequency of energy vibration.
This mineral is quite effective in the treatment of conditions relating to the emotional body, balancing the love emotions of the upper four chakras – heart, throat, brow, and crown chakras. Rose quartz can act as a rejuvenating agent for both the physical body and the emotions. It is an excellent energy for healing emotional “wounds”.
Actual crystals are very rare, and quite small, usually in small clusters. The rose quartz crystals combine the qualities of rose quartz with all of the qualities of the quartz crystal- truly producing a powerful loving energy. They also instill a permanence to ones loving nature. Placement of the crystal in ones environment, using the energies in a elixir, and wearing and/or carrying the crystal all stimulate the true life force – LOVE.
Melody, Love is in the Earth


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