Archangel Gabriel Vibrational Mist

Archangel Gabriel Vibrational Mist


Archangel Gabriel Vibrational Mist

Archangel Gabriel brings the rememberance of your soul calling and life purpose. Gabriel Activates the Soul Star just above your head, and your crown chakra. Pure transcendental light flows down from the Heavens, from God, and your true Being through your soul Soul Star, and Into your body and life. Your path is illumined. The way is made clear. Very great are the resources and treasure that flow to you, empowering your soul calling. One of Archangel Gabriel’s many jobs is to bring good news to those who are being called to spiritual mission, He appeared to Mother Mary with the remembrance of her mission as the birth mother of Jesus.  Gabriel watched over the prophet Muhammad and provided the sacred text. Gabriel influenced Zoroaster who founded monotheism and was a great angelologist. Angel Gabriel was one of the voices that inspired and guided Joan of Arc. When you are ready, Gabriel announces the duties of your spiritual destiny. Sometimes in bright, dramatic visions, and sometimes in quiet gentle ways that you discover over time. Pray each night for Gabriel to enfold you in his Resurrection Flame so you can awaken renewed and triumphant living upward into your soul destiny.

This is a Symphony of Heavenly Vibration in a bottle Blessed by Archangel Gabriel.


Archangel Gabriel Vibrational Mist

Angel means “divine messenger”. Archangel Gabriel has been with us humans always, guiding and loving us. Each Archangel anchors a unique quality of the Divine into our manifested sworld. They bring guidance, comfort, wisdom, resources, love, synergistic meetings with other people who have what we need or want what we offer, everything! When we invite them to support us, mountains move and miracles happen.

Center yourself, bring your intention to call forth the angel and receive the energy aligned with that angel. Mist the Sound Essence above your head and enjoy entering the quiet presence of love.

Contents: 60 ml


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