Infinite Heart

Infinite Heart represents love, continuance, without end.

Connects the Soul to the physical and multidimensional Heart.

Hammered and hand polished to create a sleek and slim design, which can be used on it’s own as a pendant.


Allow your soul to open the doors of infinite possibilities. Silver Infinity now available!!! Just the infinity symbol itself is powerful.

Infinite Heart represents love, continuance, without end. Connects the Soul to the physical and multidimensional Heart.

• Facilitates a higher Soul connection

• Resonates with the Heart Chakra

• Protects the energy bodies 8-10 feet out

• Brings the Soul more into the body, and will assist others in proximity to do t he same

• Slip onto ANY existing necklace to create a heart connection with your favorite crystal or stone

• Access to the Sacred Heart and Quantum Mind Activations

• Creates healing and comfort for all your critters. May be fastened onto a collar with a split ring or fastening hook.


The 1 Inch Silver Infinity is a beautiful piece on it’s own. It has the same measure, frequency, and properties of the 1 Inch Copper Infinity.

Silver is no longer just pleasing to the eye as it had been before, as it now has the capability of carrying fully working Tensor Fields!!


Add the Infinite Heart to your favorite pendant to bring in that heart connect.

Creates a higher connection for the consciousness of a crystal pendant, to the heart. Synergizes well with all energy tools and pendants.

Hammered and hand polished to create a sleek and slim design, which can be used on it’s own as a pendant.

When you wear any of the Golden Fire tools, the energy field they produce acts as a reminder.

The tools remind your inner Being that you have a Sacred Heart, and wearing the Golden Fire Tools can help activate the Sacred Heart and Quantum Mind,
bringing in that Field of Universal Light and Universal Peace.

More about the Golden Fire tools and the Sacred Heart Activation can be found here.

Any necklace material is suitable, or use the Infinity on a key-chain, critter collar, or as a pocket piece.

The small Infinite Heart is approximately 1 inch in length.